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13 Last-Minute Items to Order for Thanksgiving

holidays, thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is literally just one week away, and although it will look pretty different for must of us this year, one thing is destined not to change — next Tuesday or Wednesday, you’ll be in the kitchen prepping your turkey or brisket (heyyyy fellow Texans…I see you) and baked items, and you’ll realize that you forgot something at the store.

Now, pre-COVID you’d be really annoyed and ask for volunteers to make a quick store run. Everybody would get quiet, and look around the room silently saying not me with their eyes. You’d either send your husband/boyfriend/partner, Aunt Peggy (insert name of a family member who comes to visit during the holidays to eat all your food), or determined to avoid disaster — you’d just get the damn car and go to the grocery store yourself.

When you got to the store, the parking lot would be a clusterfuck and people would be lined up to the back of the store, like the cashiers were handing out hundred dollar bills. Then, you’d grab what you need and make your way to the back of the line, where you’d talk to several other people who forgot ONE thing, and discuss what you’re cooking. An hour, later you’d get back in your car and drive home to pick up where you left off in the kitchen.

Sound familiar?!

This year, a far fewer number of us will be doing that. Most of us won’t be welcoming guests into our home either. Those of us who are blessed enough to have large families that we’re quarantining with will still have a little chaos, and others may be gathering with family over Zoom. Either way, we’ll romanticize and maybe even miss that last-minute run to Kroger or Target.

But, I can guarantee you’ll forget some random thing.

What can we do to avoid it? If you live in a major market like us (we’re in suburb just north of Dallas) — Amazon delivers a lot of stuff in just one day, and due to COVID, stores like Whole Foods Kroger, Target, Costco, and Walmart have same day delivery in most other cities.

I am definitely not suggesting that you wait until the last minute, because most of those delivery reservations will be filled by next Monday — but here’s a list of last-minute items to get before Thanksgiving, and if you order now, you can still get them before the big day!

13 Last-Minute Items to Prep for Thanksgiving

For Your Meal

Pretty Dinnerware

holidays, thanksgiving

Target, $80

holidays, thanksgiving

Amazon, $35

Fancy Looking Silverware…or should I say Goldware

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Target, $20

holidays, thanksgiving

Amazon, $39.99

Countertop Fryer

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Amazon, $118

Wood Chunks or Charcoal

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Amazon, $27

Large Aluminum Pans

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Amazon, $12

Aluminum Foil

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Amazon, $7

Food Storage Bags

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Amazon, $11

Food Storage Containers

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Amazon, $33


holidays, thanksgiving

Amazon, $13


holidays, thanksgiving

Amazon, $18

Paper Plates

holidays, thanksgiving

Amazon, $17

For Your Comfort

Comfy & Cute Loungewear

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Target, $20

holidays, thanksgiving

Amazon, $34

Plush Socks

holidays, thanksgiving

Amazon, $17

Time is running out to order your last-minute Thanksgiving odds and ends, so you better get those orders in now! What other items are on your list this year?

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